ADAM is a living room furniture set consisting of a small sideboard, a large sideboard, a TV stand and a bar cabinet.
All the furniture of the ADAM line are characterized by a modern style and minimal lines, they are made with precious materials that emphasize their innovative personality. ADAM items represent a modern solution, light containers available in different sizes.
ADAM is a modern-style TV cabinet with an innovative character, a modern and refined day container that fits into the home practically and functionally. ADAM in the living room is an indispensable element, a perfect combination among sideboard, bar cabinet, and coffee table.
ED/50 630 Small sideboard cm. 170 X 48 X h. 95
ED/50 633 Big Sideboard cm. 227 X 48 X h. 95
ED/50 640 Big Tv Cabinet cm. 240 X 48 X h. 52
ED/50 634 Bar Cabinet cm. 120 x 52 x h. 163
Big sideboard with CGB422 striped rosewood doors and frame, with parts (top/doors/legs) in Patagonia marble MR40, in TL011 brushed black metal details
Design by:
Made in Italy
This product is on page 'https://www.zanaboni.it/en/products/adam-2/'
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